Thursday, October 20, 2022

Top 5 Media Outlets I Use for News

It is safe to say that there is a lot going on in todays world, from the war in Ukraine, to gas prices, to COVID-19 etc, which means a never-ending amount of stories for different media outlets to cover. With technology being so prevalent in todays world, there are numerous places you can get news and other information from; the question is, how reliable are these sources? Today I will be sharing where I get my information from and why I use these sources, in no particular order.

1.) YouTube: I have chosen YouTube as a source to consistently get news and other information from for many reasons. One of them being that I know it is reliable. With anybody being able to make a YouTube channel and publish on it, there are multiple huge News Corporations that have verified channels on YouTube where they can upload their segments. I have also chosen YouTube as a top source for me because I can watch anywhere and everywhere; for example if I wanted to watch stories from these News stations like CNN, NBC News etc. but wasn't in front of a TV with cable, that would be difficult, but YouTube allows these videos to be posted and watched from any devices like my phone, iPad, Computer and more. 

2.) Twitter: This world-renowned social media app has made quite the name for itself since established in 2006. Where it originally started as a an app that was made as a way for "users to share short messages with each other, similar to text messages". This app has become so universal and often used by people of all sorts because it is so versatile, some people use it to vent, some use it to stay in touch, promotion, etc. But most I also see a lot of news article on it. Since every person can make their own personal account, people/companies like politicians, business owners, and news stations can make their own accounts to share links, pictures/videos, or just a plain typed up post. This has become a useful app for me to get news from because I am able to follow accounts that I find reliable or "verified", to get news articles from. Much like myself, a study was performed it found that "About seven-in-ten Twitter users in the United States (69%) say they get news or news headlines on the platform." 

3.) Google News: I can honestly admit I am not great with keeping up on current news. Normally I just hear things through the grapevine or some 60 second clip on TikTok, which is not the most reliable, and then don't do any further research. If there is something that I had heard being talked about or on a social media app I regularly use, I will normally head to Google News to further educate myself. I find this to be reliable and in my top 5 choices of news sources because it is easily accessible, you can access it from any device you have service on, and it also gives you access to endless different article or stories from different websites so you can do as much looking into a designated topic, as you desire. This also helps me keep up with the most recent news, if I were to go to google news home page right now, it would pull up the most recent posts from popular news stations like The Wall Street Journal, so if I were just to browse I would be very involved with current issues. 

4.) I have chose to include this in my top 5 news sources because it has a wide variety of stories and is constantly being kept up to date. Newsweek is described as an "American weekly online news magazine and digital news platform". I like to use this website as a source to get new news and information because they have almost any and every story you could be looking for or interested in. It is frequently updated, have over 10 different categories of news for you to select from, right on the home page. It's a place that I can find news to be interesting and entertaining at the same time. 

5.) TikTok: This may seem like an unusual and very millennial way of looking for news, but with TikTok continuing to grow every day and likely being the leading social media platform today, there have been a lot of reliable news stations or reporters to join the app. On this app that was just recently founded in 2016, famous stations like Newsweek and abcnews have their own verified accounts on Tiktok, where they can upload short clips of their broadcasts or their own behind the scenes updates. I like to use TikTok, but only from reliable accounts, because it is a fun and inclusive way to find new information, and can also spark interest in me to look further into these stories they are sharing.