Thursday, November 3, 2022

History & Workings of U.S. Supreme Court

 When watching the two linked videos covering the History and duty of the supreme court, there were numerous aspects of the Supreme Court that I did not already know. Personally, I can admit I had no idea what the role of the Supreme Court was and how much our country relied on the Supreme Court, I can admit, prior to these videos I knew little to nothing about the Supreme Court. 

To give some specifics of what I learned: I learned that the Supreme Court consists of 9 justices (One Chief of Justice and eight Associates Justices). I also found out that the duties/tasks of the justices are long, thorough, detailed procedures that last week, sometimes even months. With each case the Supreme Court looks at or acts on, it is a multi-step process to reach a conclusion that includes vigorous decision making, debating, and work put in the court room as a team and in their individuals offices. 

It is difficult to say was the most important take-away point about the Supreme Court is, considering each decision and step they take when working on a case is crucial, but looking at the big picture, in my opinion the most important take-away is that these nine justices are experienced individuals, who are normal people just like anyone else, and they are on the publics side. The biggest goal for the Supreme Court is that the law and constitution is being followed to its utmost potential, and the Supreme Court rely's on us to keep their job going, just as much as we rely on them. 

The most surprising thing that I learned during this research on the Supreme Court is that they recieve petitions, asking the Supreme Court to question the rule of law in play to each individual case, by thousands each year. To put it into perspectives, it was said that the Supreme Court revives more than 100 cases every week, which amounts to around 7,000 a year. That would have to be the most surprising fact I learned, which really put things into perspective to me; Around 7,000 cases per year where the defendant felt the rule of law was not upheld in their case, is a scary but true instance. 

Overall, the videos, part 1 and part 2, changed my perception of the Supreme Court exceptionally. With not knowing hardly anything going into these videos, I learned the roles of the justices and how much pressure they amount to, with the nation relying on their difficult decisions they have to make. I have a new found respect and patience for our Supreme Court, now knowing what their obligations are, and the commitment and time they put into their work every single day, for the good of the country. 

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