Friday, December 9, 2022

EOTO 2 - Whistleblower

 The simple definition of a Whistleblower is: Someone within an organization who reveals information of another's wrong doings. Speaking more lawfully than corporately, in other words this would be someone that works within the government and releases information or evidence of an unlawful act that another employee had participated in.

What does this mean for the implications of whistleblower? This implies that someone within the system is not doing their job correctly or lawfully. As for some positive attributes in Whistleblowing begin with stopping corruption. If a whistleblower reveals a wrongdoing of the government, they are less likely to continue encouraging the corrupt act. A second positive is that it can prevent future wrongdoings within a system. When other employees know anyone around them could be a whistleblower, this could influence them to think twice before a person or persons follow through with an unlawful suggestion. A third positive that the intentions of a whistleblower is to protect a larger community with an at of selflessness. If whistleblowers were to not reveal information anymore, the government would be corrupt without us knowing and it would be easier to hide things from the citizens of the U.S. 

    Some Negative things that could come from whistleblowing is more for the individual themselves than a community. The first one being Whistleblowers put their jobs and life at risk to protect the country and our rights, when someone releases valuable information that was intended to be private, it could upset a lot of other people within the system, holding higher power. A second negative would be putting themselves in danger, as I said before a whistleblower could upset a lot of higher ups, therefore putting a large target on their back; this is when Whistleblower protection programs would come into play. 

    How does whistleblowing influence society? It creates potential to have an open and honest system, a trustful connection between the citizens and our systematic influencers. A second example of how it effects our society is that the more that lawful whistleblowing is encouraged/protected, the more it can deter instances from making us as citizens, victims of unlawful acts. 

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