Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Something I learned from Tech. Presentations

One of the technologies that I learned a lot about in the day of EOTO presentations was the progression and history of radio. 

Learned that the idea began all the way back in 1890, and with a lot of work G. Marconi sent the first wireless morse code message in 1895. This was a huge step in the right direction because before this, WWI scientist from large companies were trying to figure out a way to get messages across long distances in ways other than morse code. 

As the presentation continues I also learned that in December of 1906 a Canadian inventor produced and hour long radio talk which was a major progression in the development of radio. 

Unfortunately there was a step back in all this work to make the radio more resourceful; During WWI the government forced radio transmitters off of the air which stalled advancements. As transmitters came back on and the radio became a more mainstream way of communication, it became and household staple, and in 1930-1955 about 60% of Americans had a radio in their house. 

As it was said in the presentations, the radio revolutionized communication, it allowed a faster communication of news, for example world leaders like presidents, MLK, Churchhill, important events and WWII battles were broadcasted so people could stay in the loop. 

Not just that but for entertainment purposes, music became extremely popular, sports broadcasting became more prominent, people would broadcast book readings and even plays. 

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