Tuesday, November 15, 2022

The Progressive Era

In terms of the Progressive Era, in this time society was fired up by WWI, and the First Amendment played a role in the expression of opinion about WWI. Now we reflect on todays, while the United States is carrying on military operations all around the world. 

As we all know, we have to right to our own opinion, and to express that opinion; but if many of you haven't noticed, it's getting more and more difficult to find media sources that share any and all opinions. For example, these two websites antiwar.com and The American Conservative, both display very strong and opinionated anti-war voices/opinions; but we don't see these shared on big news stations such as ABC or CNN. I believe that this is because the way society has handled controversy and 'touchy' subjects in the past, has shied people away from expressing their true thoughts. 

To continue, although everyone has a right to free expression and free speech, you don't see these bold personalities and charismatic people who have opinions different from the majority, as often as you see people who have the common opinion as the rest of the public due to the fact that people like the authors on the provided websites above, have received a lot of negative feedback and reactions for sharing such strong opinions on controversial topics, like war/anti-war. 

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