Friday, December 9, 2022

EOTO 2 Reflection

 Throughout the presentations I learned a lot of useful things about different different terms, names, and technology that run within our lives. Something really interesting I learned about is called Social Credit Score. 

This is primarily in China, and it is a social and moral ranking system. It was announced in 2014 as a way to reward citizens for acts that build trust in society, and punish those that would break trust in society. The keys to this system is tracking "bad actions", some things they declare as bad actions are: bad driving, smoking in non-smoking areas, posting fake news, buying too many video games, and more. Some things they rank as "good actions" are, donating blood and paying bills on time. Punishments would normally depend on bad actions and nive versa, until it has now turned into a points system and punishment are not distributed. They tracking and punishments/rewards are differentiated by city. 

I find this very demeaning, disturbing, and wrong, and would be profoundly uncomfortable if I were in a country that this was such a normal thing. 

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